Investing in infrastructure is #theconservativethingtodo

As the second largest state in the country, Texas’ infrastructure issues and gaps require consistent attention. The broad coast and vast road network can only be maintained and improved with a dedicated effort to ensure that our current infrastructure is keeping up with population growth and that our legislature is investing in flood mitigation infrastructure.

The Texas population is expected to double by 2050. This statistic cannot be ignored or kept on the back burner. The Legislature and Texas voters have made great strides over the past half-decade, approving several constitutional amendments that created a fund for water investments and allocated a portion of oil and gas and sales taxes to mobility improvements. However, the 2017 Legislature went backward by limiting the use of certain toll road strategies which reduces the amount of roads being built.

Progress has stalled, and new challenges have emerged. Hurricane Harvey seriously damaged Houston and surrounding areas and served as a somber reminder that certain aspects of large weather events are preventable with advanced infrastructure. Now is the time to demand infrastructure be kept a top priority for legislators. Join us. Investing in infrastructure is #theconservativethingtodo.